The EducAIte Substack
The EducAIte Podcast
The EducAIte Podcast #2: Polo Lam

The EducAIte Podcast #2: Polo Lam

Polo Lam is the founder of Deseo VR, a company who specialise in Virtual Reality, 360 degree tours for school and business marketing. In our wide-ranging conversation we touch on subjects like how to bring VR into schools, what schools need to be mindful of when balancing VR and the real world, some of the ethical and moral considerations, and his thoughts on the future of education. It was a fascinating meeting, and I hope you enjoy it.

For more information on Polo’s services, visit his website.

Video interview available here:

The EducAIte Substack
The EducAIte Podcast
Generative AI is about to turn education on its head. Join me for interviews with some of the leading thinkers where we turn to how models like ChatGPT will cause a true regeneration of education as we know it.